
If you would like to reserve the schoolhouse for an event or inquire about the Salina Community Association, please email:  

The building is located at 536 Gold Run Road. Parking is limited. There is additional nearby public parking across the road from the church located at 414 Gold Run Road. (See map below.)


March 20th (Thursday)
7:00-10:00 p.m. 

March 23rd (Sunday) 
To Be Announced
Door opens at 7:00 - Concert at 7:30
Suggested donation $25 at door (cash or check only)
Please bring your own water bottle.
RSVP or Questions:

April 18th (Friday) 
Love, Dean with Carloyn Kendrick
Door opens at 7:00 - Concert at 7:30
Suggested donation $25 at door (cash or check only)
Please bring your own water bottle.
RSVP or Questions:


Community Use for Public or Private Events

 SCA Articles of Incorporation: The corporation will specifically own, maintain and manage the real property together with improvements and appurtenances commonly known as the "Salina Schoolhouse" located in the unincorporated Town of Salina, County of Boulder, State of Colorado, which Salina Schoolhouse shall be used and dedicated for such purposes as may be determined by the corporation's Board of Directors for the perpetual use and benefit of the community of the Town of Salina and the neighborhood and vicinity thereof; but in no event shall said Salina Schoolhouse be used for purposes other than religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, recreational or educational purposes.

The building may be reserved by members of the Four Mile Canyon community for private events, with use confined to the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and a maximum attendance of 75 people. In most cases, the charge to use the building will be $3.00/person + a deposit of $250.00.

Events open to the public may be hosted by local or non-local residents with the same hour and attendance limitations. (Non-local uses may be restricted.) The rental fee depends upon the size and type of use. 
For more information:

The building is 40 feet by 25 feet with a 14 foot high ceiling.
The wood floors cannot be refinished again, so special care is needed to help them last.
Heat is provided by a propane forced-air furnace.

There is one out-of-commission outhouse in the back yard that is carved with many initials (we believe it was the boy's) and contains three holes. The other outhouse (girl's) was converted from a two-holer to a modern facility with a flush toilet and sink in 1994. It burned to the ground during the Four Mile Canyon fire in September 2010, and was rebuilt by Burton Sloan.

Folding chairs with cushioned seats (75) and folding tables (9) are available.
Limited parking at the school and across from the church.


Non-community use for private events

Reservations may be considered for small
gatherings of people from outside our community.
For information, please email



The new 1885 schoolhouse with Libby Lamb (teacher from New York) posed outside with her students. Interior view taken on May 19, 1912.

HISTORY: On December 31, 1885, a New Year's Eve Ball was held in the nearly completed Salina Schoolhouse. When it was finished in early 1886, at a cost of nearly $1,500, the Boulder County Herald proclaimed it "The Pride of Salina". Classes were held in the building until 1952. The owner of the mining claim on which the schoolhouse stood gave the building and some land around it to the residents of Salina.

In 1993, we received a grant from the Colorado State Historical Society to restore the schoolhouse and outhouses, to install a cistern and septic field, and to convert one of the outhouses into a modern convenience with a sink and toilet.

In September 2010, the bathroom burned in the Fourmile Canyon Fire, and was rebuilt in 2011.

In September 2013, the remaining 1885 outhouse tipped over in a mudslide during the flood. The outhouse was repaired and the large rock retaining wall behind it has been rebuilt.

Financial Report

01/01/2023 Balance:             $ 6,146.36

Use donations  $  795.00
Roof donation  $9,840.00 
Total Donations:                   $10,635.00                      

Roof                $9,840.00
Electricity       $   236.90
Propane           $      -0-
Water               $      -0-
Maintenance    $      -0-
Colo. Fees       $   250.00
Insurance         $   250.00
Total Expenses:                     $10,576.90

12/31/2023 Balance:            $  6,204.46

Uses of the building during 2023: concerts, music recording sessions, private party, community pot luck, annual meeting.

Uses of the building during 2024: concerts, annual meeting, Sacred Harp singing, club meetings

2013 Flood Repairs & Major Improvements

SPRING 2024.  Colorado Custom Paintworks was hired to repair extensive plaster damage and paint the interior of the schoolhouse. Their attention to detail is the best! They spent over four days doing repairs and prep work and the schoolhouse looks great. (Contact Dean Ioppolo at 303-472-2430) 

SUMMER 2023.  Boulder Roofing ( replaced the 29-year-old roof on the schoolhouse at a cost of $9,840.00. (They also did the roofing during our major restoration in 1994.) We are very pleased with their work and would recommend using them. 

WINTER 2019.  Dave Chamberlain fabricated storm windows to help preserve the fragile old multi-pane windows and help keep the heating costs down. We received a major donation from Colorado State Glass & Mirror (at Hover Crossing in Longmont) - $1,000.00 worth of glass!!!  J.D. Clayborn, the president, stated that he has benefited from sales in Fourmile Canyon and wanted to give back to our community. If you need glass, please give him a call at 303-774-8775.

FALL 2019. Colorado Custom Paintworks painted the schoolhouse, outhouses, and coal shed. We are very pleased with the results and would highly recommend them to others. (Contact Dean Ioppolo at 303-472-2430) 

SPRING 2019. Last fall, the roofer let us down which held up the painting and then the cold weather arrived. The plan is to have the school (and church) painted in the next few months.

SUMMER/FALL 2018.  The weather damaged schoolhouse doors were beautifully repaired by Dave Chamberlain of Fourmile Canyon. Peter Brady is doing repairs to the coal shed in anticipation of the painting to be done by Colorado Custom Paintworks in late summer. We are impatiently waiting for all the dirt and rock work to be finished by the County beforehand. We received approval from the Boulder County Commissioners for a $4,576.00 Historic Landmark Rehabilitation Grant to help pay for the painting. 

FALL 2016.  We're still struggling to complete the work on the list below. Adriana Galue is doing some long overdue painting of the schoolhouse windows. Nearly every pane on the street side needed new glazing. Her work is wonderful! If you need a painter, I would highly recommend her.

WINTER 2014-2015.     Work is on hold. We need to raise more money. The work on the wall and outhouse cost more than we expected.

NOVEMBER 2014.     Marion Reynolds worked on the restoration of the schoolhouse back in 1993, and he returned to restore the 1885 outhouse that fell on Darian's car during the flood. He made it square again, and reinforced it well so that it could be moved back to the place it sat for 129 years. Peter Brady and Ezequiel Quintana designed a way to move it safely using Ezequiel's skid loader and the cribbing material used to temporarily support the church. Marion will soon return to finish the restoration work.

OCTOBER 2014.    Ezequiel Quintana finished the wall and it is a beauty! The first time Ezequiel worked in Salina was in the fall of 1993 when he was recommended to the SCA as the best man to rebuild this same wall after many years of neglect. It's hard to believe that it has been 20 years since we received a grant from the Colorado Historical Society to restore our property and install a septic field. 

We once again have heat and bathroom facilities. The next job on the list is to repair the damaged 1885 outhouse and return it to its spot near the propane tank. If the weather cooperates, we'd also like to get the yard between the schoolhouse and outhouses raked out so that people won't trip on rocks and dirt mounds. Anyone interested in helping should contact Peter or Marti.

SEPTEMBER 2014.  Peter Brady cut down the precariously perched tree on the hillside; and Ezequiel Quintana is making great progress on rebuilding the wall. We hope to reconnect the tank this week!

JULY 2014.  We applied for, and received, matching funds ($6,000) from the Boulder County Commissioners through a Historic Landmark Rehabilitation Grant to do the excavation, rebuild the rock wall, secure the propane tank, and repair the flood-damaged outhouse.

Rick Benson with RAM Excavating removed the propane tank and 1885 outhouse and began excavation on July 28th. (As a consequence, there currently is no heat in the schoolhouse except from the wood stove.)

We could use your help!

The schoolhouse is maintained and heated by DONATIONS of time and money, and by use fees. The management is VOLUNTEER. The work to maintain an 1885 building is endless and costly. In order to keep it available for canyon use, Salina needs your HELP.


If you have expertise in any of the projects below, 
can recommend someone who does, 
have time to volunteer, or have a wish to help us financially, 
please email
or mail donations to the
Salina Community Association
500 Salina Mtn. Road, Boulder, CO 80302 


1. Move bottom sandstone step to the playground back into place. It was dislodged during the flood or early flood recovery.  [$200 estimate]
2. Improve coal shed foundation (eroded by time and flood). [Need estimate.]


1. Rebuild historic rock retaining wall; severely damaged in 2013 flood. [Work completed by Ezequiel Quintana. See #2.]   
2. Move the 1885 flood-damaged outhouse for wall rebuild, repair outhouse, return to original location with new foundation. [Work completed by RAM Excavating, Peter Brady and Marion Reynolds.]
The above two jobs were done at a cost of $14,345.00. The SCA was reimbursed $6,065 by a Boulder County Historic Landmark Rehabilitation Grant.
3. Rake out excess silt that was washed in during flood. [The raking was done by volunteers. Thank you!]
4. Clean the chimney, inspect and insert an insulated liner. [Work completed in May 2017 by Jacob and Ryan, The Neighborhood Chimney Sweep, Inc. $2,025.00.] 
5. Replace recessed panels on the exterior schoolhouse doors. The material used by the carpenter who fabricated the doors in 1994 deteriorated from moisture.  [$900 estimate. Paid $746.00 to Chamberlain Woodworking.]
6. Repair shingles on coal shed. [Done by Peter Brady prior to 2019 painting.]
7. Paint exterior. The back side paint blistered during the 2010 fire when one of the outhouses burned, and the paint is now peeling off in spots. The blistered bottom back was scraped, primed and painted by Sam Gibbens in October 2016.
The windows were in very poor shape. They were repaired, reglazed and repainted (exterior only) in late 2016. [Work done by High Altitude Finishes, Ward, CO for $3,202.00.]  
The schoolhouse siding and trim still needed to be painted, as well as the coal shed and outhouses. [Work done in 2019 by Colorado Custom Paintworks for $8,035.00.]
The 2016 and 2019 painting was paid for by SCA funds and a Boulder County Historic Landmark Rehabilitation Grant of $4,576.00.
8. Ten storm windows are needed to protect the fragile windows and improve heating. [First, the windows were squared outside by routing and spot painting. The frames were constructed from oak, painted, and installed by Chamberlain Woodworking for $4,004.00. Approximately $1,000 worth of glass was donated by Colorado State Glass & Mirror in Longmont.] 
9. The outside hose bib is not operational. [It was repaired by Todd Whitaker in July 2022.]
10. The roof is 29 years old and needs to be replaced. [Work done in August 2023 by Boulder Roofing Company. Great job!]
11. Repair cracked plaster and paint interior. [Work done in 2024 by Colorado Custom Paintworks for $6,975.00. Very pleased with the results!]